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SADC Compliant Zimbabwe Driver's License Booking Instructions


  • Step 1

    Enter all required information to complete booking, including Full Name, ID Number, DG Number, Licencing location (VID Test Centre), Licencing year, Photo of paper license (blue copy/certificate of competence/COC). Please note that we are currently accepting bookings only from individuals who obtained their paper license/blue copy/COC between 01 January 2019 and 23 June 2023.

    The notification for the next batch will be provided in due course.

  • Step 2

    It may take up to 5 working days for your information to be confirmed and processed.

    When bookings are made through the web portal, notifications are sent via email whenever there is a change in the booking status. However, if you made your booking through the WhatsApp bot, you can check the status of your booking by providing your booking reference. You have the flexibility to check the status using either the WhatsApp bot or the web platform.

  • Step 3

    Please check the status of your booking to ensure its confirmation. Once your booking is confirmed, you can proceed to select a convenient date and time for biometric capturing at your preferred or nearest VID depot. You have the flexibility to reschedule your appointment if needed.

    Use booking reference for tracking.

  Or use Whatsapp